Segn han explicado fuentes de Proteccin Civil, el accidente tuvo lugar sobre las 18.30 horas cuando el ltimo coche del grupo, por causas que se desconocen por el momento, se sali de la va en una recta del circuito cerrado y arroll a varias personas.
Antes de llegar la ambulancia, Antonio, un mdico que pasaba por la zona la atendi. Le abr las vas para que respirara, pero era difcil que sobreviviera porque sufra una fractura de crneo con otorragia. Sangraba por los dos odos y tambin tena roto el hombro, asegur. Primero se golpe en la cabeza contra la luna delantera, que qued agrietada. El impulso la arroj contra el bordillo de la acera, donde volvi a sufrir un segundo impacto. La ambulancia la traslad con vida al Hospital General, pero unos minutos ms tarde falleci.
This episode takes place a few weeks after the events of “The Cheat in the Retreat.” Sweets is working at a community center during his leave of absence and sulking because he hasn’t been able to bring down Pelant. Booth wants Sweets to come back to work, but Sweets needs more time. Plus, he is enjoying the sense of pride he gets from helping inner-city kids.
Los siete heridos, segn ha indicado el 061, han sido trasladados al Hospital da Costa, en Burela, con politraumatismos de diferente consideracin. De hecho, fuentes de Proteccin Civil, han explicado que los ms graves presentaban fracturas en piernas y brazos y el resto haban sufrido contusiones.
The team thinks that El Carnicero’s live-in girlfriend might have been involved in the murder, but it turns out that the killer was actually the girlfriend’s young son. The son, Javier, killed his mom’s boyfriend because he was a dangerous man. It turns out that the gun is a “library gun,” meaning that it was used in multiple murders by the members of the same gang.
The team celebrates Sweets and his return, though Sweets says he needs to stay on leave for a while longer and finish his anti-gang work at the community center. Here’s hoping Sweets won’t be gone for long, because his colleagues miss him terribly … especially Booth!